Our Programmes
Border Dispute Settlement
- Conduct research on border disputes
- Provide logistical and administrative support to BDS efforts
- Provide technical support to BDS efforts
- Provide facilitation and mediation support to BDS efforts
- Treaty preparation
Border Security and Management
- Conduct research on border security and management
- Undertake threat and risk assessment of African borders
- Offer training in border management
- Advise governments on enhancing border management
- Design strategies on border security/management
Cross-Border Cooperation
- Assist in improving livelihoods of border communities
- Assist in promoting and maintaining soft borders
- Conduct research on cross-border cooperation
- Trans-boundary resources management (resource mapping, designing strategies on use and management, negotiation and treaty preparation
Boundary Delimitation, Demarcation & Maintenance
- Recover historical records
- Surveying and mapping
- Sensitization campaigns
- Demarcation
- Treaty preparation